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Dear friends,
here´s a brief reminder:
Our new album "Atma" is comming out on July 29, 2022. You can preorder it in our shop.
“Atma”, or “Atman” is a Sanskrit word that refers to the (universal) Self, or self-existent essence of individuals, as distinct from ego, mind and embodied existence.
The album is about the story of humankind – from a spiritual point of view. The cover artwork depicts the end of this story, where humanity turned the corner and managed to live in harmony with its spirituality and with nature again. Ganesha stands for this newly awakened human spirit, which frees the world and itself from its crust of egoism, self-destruction, cruelties, and (inner and outer) wars.

All the best
Matte, Steffen, Seppi, Norman
Insomnia may be the primary problem, or it may be associated with other conditions. Chronic insomnia is usually a result of stress, life events or habits that disrupt sleep. Treating the underlying cause can resolve the insomnia, but sometimes it can last for years. Chronic insomnia may also be associated with medical conditions or the use of certain drugs. Treating the medical condition may help improve sleep, but the insomnia may persist after the medical condition improves.

Freak Valley cancellation

we are soo sorry - but we need to cancel the Frea Valley. Our Bassplayer is sick with high fever and can not do this gig.
Again - we are very sorry for the confusion. Have fun and hope to see ya soon.

All the best
Matte, Steffen, Seppi, Norman

Freak Valley

Dear friends,
on very short note we play the legendary Freak Valley Festival in Netphen (GER) on 15.06.2022
Big thank you to Jens for inviting us!
Stage time is 20:30.
Matte, Steffen, Seppi, Norman


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